Double Eyelid Surgery Singapore

Your eyes matter. Enhance your look with precise, safe, and natural looking double eyelid surgery. Find out more by booking a consultation!

What is Double Eyelid Surgery?

Double eyelid surgery, commonly called blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that creates or enhances the presence of an upper eyelid crease. This surgery is popular among individuals seeking to improve the appearance of their eyes and achieve a more balanced facial aesthetic.

Double eyelid surgery can transform the look of the eyes and boost self-confidence by removing or repositioning excess skin, fat, and muscle.

Types of Double Eyelid Surgery

There are several types of double eyelid surgery, each catering to the patient’s specific needs and desired outcomes. Here’s a brief overview of the most common techniques used in Singapore:

Involves making a small incision along the upper eyelid to create a well-defined crease. Ideal for patients with excess skin, fat, or muscle and provides long-lasting results.

A non-surgical approach that uses sutures to create the desired crease without making an incision. Best suited for patients with minimal excess skin or fat and offers a faster recovery time.

Combines elements of both incisional and non-incisional methods. Involves making small incisions along the upper eyelid to remove excess fat and using sutures to create the crease. Suitable for patients with moderate excess skin or fat and balances recovery time and lasting results.

Who’s Eligible for a Double Eyelid Surgery?

Here are several factors that contribute to an individual’s suitability for the procedure:


Candidates aged 18 or older with fully developed facial features.

Good health

Overall good health, without conditions affecting surgery or recovery.

Realistic expectations

Awareness of potential results and limitations.

Eyelid issues

Suitable for those addressing eyelid appearances, such as lack of crease or asymmetry.

What Are Some Common Reasons for Double Eyelid Surgery ?

  • Enhance appearance to create a more defined eyelid crease
  • Improve symmetry by addressing uneven or asymmetrical eyelids
  • Boost self-confidence and improve overall facial appearance
  • Increase comfort and reduce skin irritation or excessive tearing
  • Expand vision to address vision obstruction due to drooping eyelids

Risks and Complications

Like any other surgical procedure, double eyelid surgery has potential risks and complications. Being aware of these issues is essential when considering the procedure. Some possible complications include the following:

  • Risk of bacterial infection post-surgery
  • Bleeding during or after surgery
  • Visible or uneven scarring
  • Asymmetry or irregular crease formation
  • Dry eyes
  • Anaesthesia-related complications such as allergic reactions, nausea, or other side effects

Reach Out To Us

We are committed to providing a one-stop experience, where you’ll receive a meticulous consultation and high-quality service in a comfortable environment.

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    (65) 6733 3383

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    Double Eyelid Surgery in Singapore

    Frequently Asked

    Is double eyelid surgery considered a major surgery?

    No, double eyelid surgery is considered a relatively minor surgery. While it is an invasive procedure requiring anaesthesia and has potential risks and complications, it is generally less complex and has a shorter recovery time than major surgeries.

    How long does it take to recover from double eyelid surgery?

    Recovery time from double eyelid surgery can vary depending on the individual and the specific technique used. Most patients can expect to resume daily activities within 1 to 2 weeks following the procedure. Swelling and bruising may persist for a few weeks, with complete healing and final results typically visible after 1 to 3 months.

    Will I have visible scars after my double eyelid surgery?

    While scarring is a natural part of the healing process, the visibility of scars after double eyelid surgery is generally minimal. Surgeons usually place incisions within the eyelid’s natural crease or along the lash line, which helps conceal the scars. Over time, the scars will typically fade and become less noticeable. However, individual healing and scarring can vary.