General Anaesthesia (GA)
Regional Anaesthesia (RA)
Monitored Anaesthetic Care (MAC) / Sedation
We provide our patients with a comprehensive, co-ordinated and individualised peri-operative journey (from the time of referral for surgery to the post-operative recovery phase). We adopt an evidence-based approach and generate models of care to optimise outcomes for each patient undergoing surgery.
The patient experience starts with a visit by the anaesthesiologist for medical assessment and blood tests to allow for risk assessment and optimisation prior to major surgery. It also offers opportunity for patients to ask questions and clarify information.
Anaesthetist keeps patients safe and stable during surgery, focusing on:
Continual medical assessment of patients with expertise to diagnose and treat medical problems or emergencies that may occur;
Managing patients’ heart rate and rhythm, breathing, blood pressure, body temperature and fluid balance
Managing pain and level of consciousness to optimise conditions for safe and successful surgery.
Patient centred quality care continues in the postoperative period. The anaesthetist looks after a diverse range of patients with acute pain, including those requiring patient-controlled analgesia, epidurals, intrathecal analgesia, other continuous regional analgesia. We provide timely reviews of referred patient to enable optimal analgesia regimes and enhance surgical recovery.