Double Eyelid Suture Singapore

Double eyelid suture is a minimally invasive method to form an upper eyelid crease for those with monolids or indistinct folds. Using sutures to create the desired crease offers a more defined eye appearance without incisions or extended recovery time.

What is Double Eyelid Suture?

Double eyelid suture is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that creates a natural-looking crease in the upper eyelid that’s ideal for those with monolids or undefined eyelid creases to achieve a more defined and attractive eye appearance.

Types of Double Eyelid Suture

Double eyelid suture procedures vary in technique, allowing for customisation based on individual needs and preferences. There are several types of double eyelid sutures, including the following:

This involves making a small incision on the eyelid to remove excess fat, followed by sutures to create a natural-looking crease. It is suitable for individuals with excess fat or skin on their eyelids.

This approach uses only sutures without incisions to create the desired eyelid fold. It is ideal for those with minimal excess skin or fat and offers a quicker recovery.

This technique places sutures within the eyelid to create the crease, ensuring no visible scars. It provides a subtle and natural result, making it suitable for individuals who prefer a less dramatic change.

Who’s Eligible for Double Eyelid Suture?

Double eyelid suture is a popular non-invasive cosmetic procedure that creates or enhances a natural-looking crease in the upper eyelid. This quick and efficient method is an alternative to double eyelid surgery, providing semi-permanent results with minimal downtime.

Eligible candidates for double eyelid suture include:

  • Monolids. Those without a natural eyelid crease can benefit from a more defined appearance.
  • Asymmetrical eyelids. Can help balance uneven eyelids and achieve facial symmetry.
  • Mild ptosis. The suture can provide subtle lift and support for those with drooping eyelids due to muscle weakness.
  • Minimal scarring preference. Ideal for those seeking a less invasive method with a reduced risk of scarring compared to surgery.

Risks and Complications

A double eyelid suture is a minimally invasive procedure for creating or enhancing the upper eyelid crease. Although it is generally considered safe, there are potential risks and complications associated with this technique.

Risks and complications of double eyelid suture include:

  • Infection
  • Temporary swelling and bruising
  • Asymmetry or uneven results
  • Scarring
  • Suture loosening or breakage

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    Double Eyelid Suture In Singapore

    Frequently Asked

    How long does the double eyelid suture procedure take to complete?

    The double eyelid suture procedure typically takes about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the complexity of the case and the desired outcome.

    What is the recovery time for double eyelid suture treatment?

    The recovery time for a double eyelid suture is relatively short, with most patients able to return to daily activities within a few days. Complete healing, including the reduction of swelling and bruising, may take up to two weeks.

    How long do the results of a double eyelid suture typically last?

    The results of a double eyelid suture procedure can last several years, but the longevity varies from person to person. Factors like age, lifestyle, and individual healing response can affect the duration of the results.