Breast Health

How Missing 1 Mammogram Screening Can Increase Risk Of Death

Breast cancer remains a significant health concern worldwide. Early detection plays a pivotal role in improving outcomes for those diagnosed. Mammogram screenings serve as a primary tool in this early detection process, offering a chance to identify potential issues before they become more severe.

The Importance of Regular Mammogram Screenings

Mammograms are specialised X-ray tests designed to identify abnormalities in breast tissue. Their primary role is the early detection of breast cancer, allowing for:

Early Detection and Intervention: One of the primary benefits of mammograms is their ability to detect breast cancer at its earliest stages. When breast cancer is identified early, it is often confined to the breast and has not spread to other parts of the body. This early detection allows for a broader range of treatment options, including less aggressive surgeries and treatments that can preserve more of the breast tissue.

Improved Treatment Outcomes: The survival rates for early-stage breast cancer are significantly higher than for more advanced stages. By detecting and treating breast cancer early, patients often experience better outcomes, fewer side effects from treatment, and a reduced risk of the cancer returning.

Monitoring Changes Over Time: Regular mammograms allow breast cancer specialists to monitor the breast tissue over time. This provides a history that can be used to compare with future mammograms. Any changes or abnormalities can be detected earlier when compared to previous images.

Reduction in Mortality: Numerous studies have shown that regular mammogram screenings reduce breast cancer mortality. Consistent monitoring and early detection mean that fewer women die from breast cancer when they adhere to recommended screening schedules.

The Dangers of Missing A Screening

Mammogram screenings are a pivotal tool in the early detection of breast cancer. While it might seem inconsequential to miss just one appointment, the implications can be profound. Here’s an in-depth look into the risks associated with skipping even a single mammogram screening.

Delayed Detection: The primary purpose of mammogram screenings is to detect breast cancer at its earliest stages when it is most treatable. Missing a screening can result in a delay in diagnosis. This delay might allow cancer to grow and potentially spread to other parts of the body, making treatment more challenging and reducing the chances of a favourable outcome.

Reduced Treatment Options: Early-stage breast cancers often present a wider range of treatment options, including less invasive procedures. A delay in detection, due to missing a screening, might limit these options. For instance, a patient might require a more aggressive form of surgery or chemotherapy than if the cancer had been detected earlier.

Increased Risk of Advanced Disease: Regular screenings can detect cancers that are still localised to the breast. Missing a screening increases the risk that, when detected, cancer has advanced to a more aggressive stage or metastasised to other areas of the body. Advanced stages of cancer are typically harder to treat and come with a lower survival rate.

Compromised Monitoring: For those with a history of breast abnormalities or previous diagnoses, regular screenings monitor any changes or recurrences. Missing a screening can disrupt this continuous monitoring, potentially overlooking a recurrence or a new development.


Mammograms are a preventive measure for breast cancer, not merely routine appointments. Its central role in early cancer detection is a key part to ensuring successful treatment and eligibility for a wider range of treatment options. Missing a mammogram can lead to delayed diagnosis, fewer treatment options, and a higher risk of advanced disease, which is more difficult to treat and has a lower survival rate. If you missed a screening recently, consult our female breast cancer specialist in Singapore today.

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