
Gynaecomastia: A Plastic Surgeon’s Complete Guide

Gynaecomastia, also known as “man boobs,” is a condition that affects many men around the world. Men who have gynaecomastia have an excessive amount of breast tissue, which can cause embarrassment and sometimes even pain. Many who suffer from this condition have concerns about treatment options. Let’s cover the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for gynaecomastia.

What is Gynaecomastia?

Gynaecomastia is a medical condition that results in the development of excessive breast tissue in men. It’s caused by an imbalance of hormones in the body, specifically, an increase in estrogen (the female hormone) or a decrease in testosterone (the male hormone) can cause breast tissue to grow. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including puberty, aging, medications, and health conditions.

Definition and Overview

Gynaecomastia is not a harmful condition, but it can cause physical and psychological discomfort for men who experience it. The breast tissue can be tender and sensitive, and it can be challenging to find clothing that fits comfortably. Many feel embarrassed or ashamed of their bodies, and this can affect their self-esteem and confidence.

Causes and Risk Factors

There are several causes and risk factors for gynaecomastia. The most common cause is hormonal fluctuations, which can also cause breast enlargement in girls. In older men, the natural aging process can cause a decrease in testosterone levels, which can lead to gynaecomastia. Certain drugs, such as anti-depressants and steroids, can also cause the condition. Health conditions, such as liver disease and thyroid problems, can also contribute.

In addition to these causes, there are several risk factors that can increase a man’s likelihood of developing gynaecomastia. These include obesity, excessive alcohol use, and the use of certain recreational drugs, such as marijuana and heroin.

Treatment Options

Treatment for gynaecomastia depends on the underlying cause of the condition. In some cases, the breast tissue may go away on its own over time. If caused by a medication or health condition, treating the underlying issue may be necessary.

In cases where the breast tissue does not go away on its own, surgery may be an option. The most common surgical procedure for gynaecomastia is a subcutaneous mastectomy, which involves the removal of breast tissue. Liposuction may also be used to remove excess fat from the chest area.

Gynaecomastia vs Pseudogynaecomastia

Gynaecomastia is not pseudogynaecomastia, which is an enlargement of breast tissue due to excess fat instead of glandular tissue. Pseudogynaecomastia can often be treated with lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, whereas gynaecomastia typically requires medical intervention.


The physical symptoms of gynaecomastia can vary in severity. In some cases, the breast tissue may feel tender or sore to the touch. Men may also experience pain or discomfort in the chest area. 

Emotional and Psychological Effects

The emotional and psychological effects of gynaecomastia can be just as challenging to manage as the physical symptoms. Men who have the condition may feel self-conscious and less confident in their bodies. They may avoid situations where they have to remove their shirt in front of others, such as at the beach or swimming pool.

Diagnosis and Evaluation

To diagnose gynaecomastia, your plastic surgeon will perform a physical examination, and check your medical history. You will be asked about any medications that you’re taking and any health conditions they may have. Your doctor may also order blood tests or imaging tests to determine the underlying cause of the condition.

Medical History and Physical Examination

During the medical history and physical examination, the doctor will ask about the patient’s symptoms and medical history. They will also perform a physical examination of the breast tissue to determine the amount of glandular tissue present.

Imaging Techniques

Imaging such as ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI may be used to evaluate the breast tissue further. These tests can show the amount of glandular tissue present and help determine the best treatment approach.

Hormone Testing

Blood tests can be used to evaluate hormone levels in the body. This can help determine whether the patient has an imbalance of hormones that may be contributing to the condition.

Treatment Options

There are several treatment options for gynaecomastia, depending on the severity of the condition:

Non-Surgical Treatments


In some cases, medications can be used to treat gynaecomastia. These work by blocking estrogen production or increasing testosterone levels in the body. The effectiveness of these medications can vary from individual to individual. 

Lifestyle Changes

In cases where gynaecomastia is caused by excess weight or obesity, lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise may be effective in reducing breast tissue. Reducing alcohol and drug use can help reduce breast tissue growth as well.

Surgical Treatments


Liposuction is a surgical procedure that can remove excess fat from the breast tissue. This procedure is often used for cases of pseudogynaecomastia. Liposuction can be done under local anaesthesia, and patients can typically return to normal activities within a few days.

Excision Techniques

Excision techniques such as subcutaneous mastectomy involve removing the glandular breast tissue surgically while preserving the overlying skin, nipple, and areola. This procedure aims to reduce breast size and create a more masculine chest contour. Subcutaneous mastectomy is typically done under general anaesthesia in an outpatient setting. Recovery time varies depending on the extent of the surgery but can be up to several weeks.

Combination Procedures

In some cases, a combination of liposuction and excision techniques may be used to treat gynaecomastia. This approach can provide more comprehensive results and improve the appearance and functionality of the breast tissue.


Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for gynaecomastia is important for anyone who experiences it. Whether treated with medications or surgery, gynaecomastia can be effectively managed, allowing men to feel more confident and comfortable in their bodies.

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