
Types of Breast Implants | Everything You Need To Know

Breast implants have long been used as a surgical method to augment the size and shape of breasts. They are often employed in breast reconstruction surgery following mastectomy for breast cancer or conditions like tuberous breast deformity. On a cosmetic level, women opt for implants to increase the natural size of their breasts, improve their shape, or rectify noticeable asymmetry.

Types of Breast Implants

Saline Implants

Saline implants are filled with sterile salt water. If the implant shell leaks, the implant will collapse and the saline will be naturally absorbed and expelled by the body. Saline implants provide a uniform shape, firmness, and feel. They may however, cause visible rippling under the skin.

Silicone Implants

Silicone implants are filled with a viscous silicone gel, which feels much like natural breast tissue. If a silicone gel-filled implant leaks, the gel either remain within the shell or escapes into the breast implant pocket, maintaining the implant’s shape.

On the downside, patients choosing silicone implants need to visit their surgeon regularly to ensure the implants are functioning properly—an MRI or ultrasound scan can assess the condition of the implants.

Structured Saline Implants

Structured saline implants are saline-filled but contain an inner structure aiming to make the implant feel more like natural breast tissue. They are less likely to ripple than saline implants but have a more natural feel than standard saline implants.

Form-stable Implants (Gummy Bear Implants)

Also known as gummy bear breast implants, they maintain their shape even when the implant shell is broken. The consistency of the silicone gel inside the implant is thicker than traditional silicone gel implants. They are shaped rather than round and have more projection at the bottom and taper towards the top. If they rotate, they may lead to an unusual appearance of the breast.

Round Breast Implants

Round breast implants tend to make breasts appear fuller than form-stable implants. High-profile options can achieve even more projection. Because they are the same shape all over, there are fewer concerns about them rotating out of place.

Smooth Breast Implants

Smooth breast implants feel the softest and can move with the breast implant pocket, which may give more natural movement. However, some of them may have some palpable or visible rippling.

Textured Breast Implants

Textured breast implants develop scar tissue to stick to the implant, making them less likely to move around inside the breast and become repositioned. Texturing offers some advantages in diminishing the risk of a tight scar capsule.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Implant

Choosing an implant is a decision influenced by personal goals and expectations, anatomical considerations, overall health, lifestyle, and the surgeon’s recommendation. Factors such as implant type, size, and shape, as well as the placement location, can affect the final aesthetic outcome.

The Process & Procedure

The breast implant procedure begins with a thorough consultation, where the surgeon explains the process, evaluates your health condition, and advises the best implant type. The surgery typically involves making an incision, inserting the implant, and closing the incision.

The recovery period varies among individuals but usually includes rest, wearing a supportive surgical bra, and following a specific care routine for the incision site.

Potential Risks and Complications

These can include surgical risks such as infection, bleeding, and an adverse reaction to anaesthesia. Changes in nipple or breast sensation, often temporary, and severe pain that persists beyond the usual recovery period can also be expected. Keeping up with regular check-ups can help detect the potential risks of any implant leakage or rupture.

Over the longer term, complications including capsular contracture, where the scar tissue around the implant tightens, causing the breast to feel hard may occur. Implant displacement or rotation, particularly for certain types of implants, can also occur. Some may also experience breast pain or changes in the appearance and contour of the breast over time.


Breast implants can have a significantly positive impact on one’s appearance and self-esteem. At FeM Surgery, we’re dedicated to working towards safe and customised breast implants that suit your needs and goals. If you’re considering getting a breast implant, schedule a consultation with our breast surgeons or plastic surgeon.

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